Who Are We?

The Cambodian Association of Translators and Interpreters (CATI) is an independent and professional association founded to advance the translation and interpreting professions and foster the professional development of individual translators and interpreters. CATI is a self-help group with members across Cambodia and beyond that continues to grow steadily. CATI’s primary goals are to foster and support the professional development of translators and interpreters and promoting the translation and interpreting professions.

Our main objectives are:

  1. To advance the professional interests of translators and interpreters;
  2. To promote national and international cooperation within the sector;
  3. To foster continuing education (workshops, conferences, training course and seminars) for interpreters and translators;
  4. To uphold and promote the quality and professionalism in interpretation and translation;
  5. To serve as a forum for the study and advancement of translation and interpretation knowledge, skills, practices and procedures for translators, interpreters and other interested people; and
  6. To offer networking opportunities for its members and other professionals interested in the field of interpretation and translation.

The Association shall strive to meet those objectives by means such as the following:

  1. publishing periodicals, bulletins, notices, glossaries, dictionaries, reports, and any other publications that may further its objectives;
  2. holding periodic meetings;
  3. supporting programs of accreditation and certification for translators and interpreters  who meet specific standards of competence;
  4. maintaining working relationships with professional organizations in related fields;
  5. working actively with universities, foundations, government agencies, and other organizations in such matters as the education and continuing education of translators and interpreters;
  6. conducting any and all other activities designed to further its objectives and promote the general welfare of the Association and its members.